

1. STEEP - Let Me Go
2. Baiki - Positive
3. Emilie Lund - Childhood Friend
4. Emilie Lund - Getting Late
5. entertainment for the braindead - Fences
6. entertainment for the braindead - Animals
7. Transient - Old ones
8. Transient - Redeyes
9. Swede:art - Stalactite Cave
10. Swede:art - Wonkycarz
11. Wixel - You're Inside Your Own Shadow
12. Wixel - Skatebeats
13. Henry Homesweet - Fifteen

Wykorzystane albumy:
netBloc Vol. 5: The threat at Goliath's feet...
Emilie Lund - Emilie Lund EP
Entertainment For The Braindead - Raw Timber EP
Transient - Nothing is everything when everything is nothing
Error Broadcast - ABC Alphabeat
Wixel - An Emtpy Canvas

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